于 沙

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Yu Sha visited Linli County Museum

    Yu Sha, real name Wang Zhenhan, male, born in Linli, Hunan Province, was born in September 1927 in Hushan Village, Tianbaizhi Township。He graduated from Hunan University in 1953。He has been a teaching assistant of Hunan Normal University and editor of Journal of Hunan Normal University, Hunan Science and Technology Tabloid, Xiangjiang Literature and Art, and a professional writer of Hunan Writers Association。He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a member of the Chinese Musicians Association, a director of the Chinese Poetry Society, a director of the Chinese Music Literature Society, and a national first-class writer。

    1955年以来,在大陆、港台发表新诗近1000首。Some works have been translated into English and published abroad;Some works are compiled into special topics and broadcast on radio and television。Advocating and practicing the simple, meaningful, profound and condensed Chinese poetry style, his works meet the pulse of The Times, call for love and sincerity, and have the true taste of life。Professor Lv Jin, director of China New Poetry Research Institute and famous poetic critic,The author described him as "poetry and life are integrated", "has great skills", "has the sensitivity and depth of a wise man", and "is indeed a true poet belonging to The Times and the people".,And then pointed out: "It is Yu Sha such an aesthetic orientation of the true poet.,Constitutes the principal and highest school of art of our time."。

    Since 1984,He published nearly 1,000 prose poems,Ke LAN, a famous prose writer, and Li Yuanluo, a famous poetry critic, pointed out that his prose poems "have formed their own unique style".,"There is nothing difficult or showy about it,Refined, cordial and sincere,It's not just a shallow beach,It's not an unobstructed straight cloth pocket,It is a true poem that can make the reader find the joy of tranquility and return to the taste of sweetness.。

    Yu Sha was a poet first and a ci writer later, and he was well aware of the merits of both poetry and ci。When writing a poem, dissolve the clarity of the words in the implication of the poem。When writing a poem, the implicit meaning of the poem is embodied in the clarity of the word。Therefore, his lyrics are both poetic and songlike。Since 1978,He has published more than 140 lyrical songs,The music is composed by famous composers Shi Guangnan, Liu Zhuang, Jiang Chunyang, Niu Chang, Xu Jingqing, Tu Bahai, Hu Jiying and so on,The famous singers Liu Bingyi, Hu Songhua, Guan Mucun, Yin Xiumei, Fu Zuguang, Shen Xiaocen, Li Xiuwen, He Jiguang, Song Zuying and so on,Made into records or recorded cassette widely spread have "eight hundred miles Dongting picturesque" and other more than 20 songs。The thesis "I write lyrics as poems" has a great influence in the Chinese poetry circle。先后在大陆、香港发表抒情散文、文艺随笔及为青年诗人撰写评论和诗集序言,约20万字。

    Since the new period, he has published lyrical poetry collections, prose poetry collections, lyrical lyrics, and prose collections (" The First line of Footprints ", "In the Dense Forest", "Memorandum of Love", "Trekking Song", "Go to See the Fallen Flowers", "Yu Sha Family Prose" and other 6).。Nearly 200 works have been selected into "Contemporary Short Poems", "Love Songs", "Poems about Poems", "Love Poems for My Wife", "Selected Hundreds of Satirical Poems in China", "Contemporary Lyric Poems", "New Period Poetry Review", "Small Poems Review", "Chinese Contemporary Lyric Poems 500", "New Poems 300", "Dictionary of Chinese Landscape Poems", "Chinese Contemporary Lyrics Selection"", "Selected Chinese Fishing Songs", "Selected Poems of New Chinese Poetry", "20th Century prose Poetry Appreciation", "Ancient and Modern Chinese and Foreign prose Poetry Appreciation Dictionary" and "Guilin landscape prose Poetry 16" and other nearly 60 kinds of anthologies。He has won dozens of national and provincial awards。Another works were selected into the Chinese textbooks of secondary professional schools and the Selection of National Music Teaching Songs.。The Dictionary of Poetry, the Dictionary of Chinese New Poetry, the Dictionary of Chinese Lyricists, the Dictionary of Chinese Literature, the Who's Who of Contemporary Chinese Writers and Artists, the Who's Who of Contemporary Chinese Culture, the Biography of Chinese Artists and other large dictionaries have published his biography and achievements。

    Works by Yu Sha:


The net, is incomplete integrity, complete incomplete。
Pull down, the water returns to its original place because of the incomplete network;
Pull up, the fish is doomed because of the integrity of the net。
Don't be afraid of the incomplete, don't cling to the whole,
The net is a well-rounded dialectic...

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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